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Hi everyone! Did anyone notice the new header? I’ve been meaning to create a better header image for agessss, and I finally came through with it today. My friend, Yee Fen, did the handwritten characters for the banner, so cake pops to her!

Life is busy, and I’ve actually picked up another personal project. It’s been busy with this new project since it involves a lot of Twitter translations…but the problem is that the people I’m translating are in Japan…13 hours away. Imagine some sleepless nights/mornings…

Back to this blog’s main interests though…Food!

When I saw these on Tastespotting, they stayed on my mind, and, one day, I just took a chance one day and “popped” the question.

The question of whether or not I could make a matcha version of course. And I did!

The recipe from Bakerella is fairly simple, but I made notes for how I might personally change the recipe if I did it again.

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Belated indeed! I’ve been taking care of so many things ranging from school to kendo that I barely had any time to sleep, let alone post.

I meant to post this weeks ago because, if anybody remembered…食べ物 eXploZion was born at this time of year in 2009! I’m kind of surprised because I’ve been fairly consistent -cough- with updating this blog, and considering how much extra work this takes me…frankly, I’m very amazed.

For its birthday, 食べ物 eXploZion got a green tea chiffon cake. This is my first real cake. Ever. I was considering begging a friend to come and do a guest blog since pastries and desserts are his specialty, but he was busy being a good student that I didn’t want to corrupt him… Read the rest of this entry »


I’ve missed you all! I’ve missed 食べ物 eXploZion! I’VE MISSED GOOD FOOD!!

It was finals season, so I didn’t have the time to post what I wanted even though I did cook, so there’s a bit of a backlog of food hahaha. Although, I still must’ve had instant noodles at least 5 times in the past 2 weeks…

But it’s been snowing lately, and what better to recover from this cold cold winter and the horrendous exams than a nice warm galette with your tea (or coffee if you still have exams)!

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A lot of you might have realized that my food isn’t really fancy, and with my kitchen, a Thanksgiving dinner might really just consist of a pitiful roasted chicken drumstick or something of the sort.

So I thought I’d do y’all a favor by asking for a guest cook to come and spice up 食べ物 eXploZion for the Thanksgiving weekend!

And so…-drumroll- I present to you Sara Kosuth, who will be today’s (first!) guest blogger/super chef, as well as her mouthwatering Coconut Almond Tart, which is sure to amaze your guests and their taste buds.

Sara is the College Cooking section editor at Wolverine CuiZine, University of Michigan’s cooking blog. A current undergraduate student, she plans to attend culinary school after officially becoming a UM brainiac and to strike “fear into the hearts of Iron Chefs across the world.”

Although I’m not an Iron Chef, I think she struck something in my heart (or my stomach) as I tried to resist that tart that was sitting right in front of me in her kitchen…

But without further delay, I officially present Sara Kosuth and her method of making a fabulous Coconut Almond Tart.

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It feels like a lot of people are trying to scrape by until Thanksgiving break here in the States, and I’m one of them. Motivation just isn’t the “in” thing right now.

Sometimes I try to have tea to wake myself up/get a boost of energy, and recently, my friend Angel gave me a tea strainer that’s perfect for an individual person and gives me something fun to look at while I’m working.

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Hello everyone!

It was like I abandoned 食べ物 eXploZion eh? It’s been almost a month since my last post! But fear not! I will continue to spam you all with my posts!

My absence was mostly due to exams. I was up for hours playing solitaire hitting the books and studying. It was a hectic month for all students, but we’re finally done! -cheers-

I’m finally done with school, though, and I flew back home to “sunny” California! Ironically, it seems like I brought the rain in Michigan back with me, because we have rain for the next few days… But to celebrate the end of the dreaded finals period, I made biscotti!

It’s my first time ever, but they turned out fairly well (if a bit singed) I used the recipe from And then I do the dishes with some adjustments.

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So what do you do with a grapefruit, some random walnuts, and a lot of milk you have to finish?

You mix them together I guess.

I’m not sure if I’d recommend doing this with other fruits, but this combo actually turned out fairly well, especially if you’re the type that can’t eat sour things (like my parents) but you just need to finish off that grapefruit. It’s also really easy since it’s practically instant and makes a nice refreshing dessert, so it’s very good for warm weather.

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I love tarts and that sort of thing at any time. Even when I hated sweets as a child, I still absolutely loved the Chinese custard tarts that they had a dim sum restaurants. I’ve also tried to make other custards and tarts over the years, but none of them really ever turned out well until I tried and adjusted this South African Milk Tart recipe from Food and Family. It can be eaten hot or cold, but I prefer it hot since it feels like it’s just melting in your mouth. I also liked it especially since it used the entire egg and not just the egg yolk (since I don’t have a strainer).  More photos and recipe behind the jump~!

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*Warning* Picture heavy! My browser actually froze a couple times while I was writing this.This is probably because I just can’t decide what looks most delicious…

Although most of these posts are probably going to be about me making something, there will also be moments when I talk about food I ate, and yesterday was very food heavy.

As with any “祭” or “fesitval” there will be food and performances, and the JCF was no exception. There were activities for all ages (although I think the older people probably focused more on the food). There were musical performances by local bands and performers, which included “Miyabi” a local group of artists that play traditional Japanese instruments, such as the koto and shamisen. The Kendo Club was also featured, although I didn’t participate even though I’m a part of it (-goes and hides-).

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It’s been awhile! Finals and other real life priorities chewed up and spat out my life, but here I am and food/photo dumping.

Anyways, I’m not normally the type to make desserts that requires baking, but I had peaches leftover and I decided I would attempt a peach tart since I was craving sweets pretty much all week.

I halved most of the recipes I found online and made two small ~4 inch wide tarts. The one that came out well I gave to my roommate for Valentine’s and I ate the one that fell apart (right off the pan). It seems like the taste came out alright since she’s normally the type to say bluntly whether something tastes good or bad. It was also sort of amusing since I wasn’t totally convinced that I could do this without a tart pan, but I did, and it held together, so cheers to luck!

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